
Bilasáana®, Bilasaana®

On April 20, 2022 Charles Lynch filed for a US Trademark on the word BILASAANA without the Acute Accent over the second a in the word. On May 30, 2022 the word was officially approved and registered as a Trademark of Charles C. Lynch.

Bilasaana® US Trademark Approved for Publication
Click here for link to Bilasaana Trademark

On October 27, 2021 Charles Lynch filed to renew the Bilasáana trademark within the legal time frame. On April 20, 2022 the Bilasáana Trademark with the Acute Accent over the second a was officially renewed. 

Bilasáana® US Trademark Approved for Publication
Click here for link to Bilasáana Trademark

On April 20, 2016 Charles Lynch was notified that the Bilasáana Trademark has been approved by the United States Trademark Office. The Trademark will be published in the Gazzette in May 2016.

On December 14, 2015 Charles Lynch filed a Trademark on the Bilasáana name with the United States Trademark Office. The mark will be used to Identify the company and also to hallmark, stamp and otherwise identify authentic Bilasáana silver, leather and other handcrafted Native American Pieces.

Bilasáana and Bilassana are registered Trademarks of Charles C. Lynch.