Jeanette Dale 42/44/45mm Sterling Silver Concho Leather Apple Watch Band #41
Jeanette Dale 42/44/45mm Sterling Silver Concho Leather Apple Watch Band #41
This purchase includes the pictured Hand-Crafted Sterling Silver Concho Leather Apple WATCH band which is compatible with an Apple WATCH 42/44/45mm or 38/40/41mm. Apple WATCH is not included in this purchase.
The Silverwork, which is done by Navajo Silversmith Jeanette Dale from Tocito, New Mexico, includes two oval silver Conchos, two silver butterflies and a buckle. The Buckle has the Jeanette "Dale" authentication artist Stamp, a Bilasaana mark and a Sterling mark. The Conchos and butterflies are hand stamped with a traditional symbols Design.
The Conchos, Butterflies and Buckle are held firmly in place with our latest adjustable Riveted black Leather S/M band v2.0. The Leather Band comes with 42/44/45mm Apple WATCH Adaptors and can be sized to fit a small to large sized wrist. By changing the leather we can make this band fit virtually any wrist nicely. Be sure and leave valid contact information so we will contact you to assure a nice fit. The iBand will seamlessly integrate with the Apple 42mm Series 1 thru Series 9 45mm WATCH. Slip your Apple WATCH onto the band, buckle up and slide the Conchos and Butterflies around to get a perfect arrangement and comfortable fit for your wrist. We can convert this to a 38/40/41mm if you have the smaller Watch. Different colors of leather are available upon request, but this factory black leather seems to work the best with the conchos and butterflies.
Download our free App called Faceplates from the Apple App Store. The Faceplates App allows you to show Native American Indian images on your WATCH face like one of the pictures shows (now does wallpaper too).
Apple WATCH is not included in this purchase.